Ad-to-Page Optimization aligns your landing page content with your ad campaigns, potentially improving conversion rates and lowering costs per click (CPC) due to higher relevance scores from platforms like Google Ads.

Supported Platforms

  • Google Ads (Beta)
  • Facebook Ads (Alpha)

How It Works

  • Dynamic Content Alignment: Coframe automatically adjusts your landing page content to match the keywords or ad copy from your ad campaigns.
  • Increased Relevance: By mirroring the messaging of your ads, visitors find a more cohesive experience, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Quality Score Improvement: Platforms like Google Ads reward relevant landing pages with better Quality Scores, potentially lowering your CPC.

Setting Up Ad-to-Page Optimization for Google Ads (Beta)


  • Active Google Ads campaigns
  • Coframe script installed on your landing pages

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Connect Your Google Account

    • In your Coframe dashboard, navigate to the Ad-to-Page Optimization section.
    • Click on “Connect Google Ads Account” and follow the authentication process.
  2. Select Campaign and Ad Group

    • You’ll see a table with all campaigns in your account.
    • Search or click on a campaign to view its ad groups.
    • Select the desired ad group.
  3. Choose Optimization Type

    • Select either “Keywords” or “Ads” for alignment.
  4. For Keyword-based Optimization:

    • Search and select the keyword you want to optimize for.
    • Ensure the keyword UTM parameter is active.
    • If not active, you can manually enable it or use Coframe’s tool to add it with a provided link.
  5. For Ad-based Optimization:

    • Ensure the ad UTM parameter is active.
    • Select the specific ad you want to align with.
  6. Create Optimizer

    • Click “Create Optimizer” to proceed to the editor.
    • A new segment will be automatically created in the modal, with the context being the keyword or ad content.
  7. Generate Variants

    • Proceed with the standard editor experience to create and refine variants.
    • Refer to the Variant Creation guide for detailed steps.

Setting Up Ad-to-Page Optimization for Facebook Ads (Alpha)

The process for Facebook Ads is similar to Google Ads, following the Facebook structure:

  1. Connect your Facebook Ads account.
  2. Select Campaign > Ad Set > Ad.
  3. The system will align the page based on the selected ad, passing the ad creative into the context of the optimizer.

Best Practices

  • Consistent Messaging: Ensure that the language and tone of the landing page match that of the ads.
  • Keyword Insertion: Use dynamic keyword insertion carefully to maintain readability and coherence.
  • Compliance: Verify that dynamic content complies with advertising policies and regulations.

Coming Soon

  • Optimization at the ad group and campaign levels for Google Ads.

Monitoring Performance

  • Use the optimizer view to monitor conversion rates for traffic coming from the respective ad or keyword.
  • Compare performance between optimized and non-optimized landing pages.