The Page View in Coframe provides a comprehensive dashboard for managing your website pages, monitoring optimization performance, configuring SEO settings, and adjusting page-specific options. This interface consolidates critical information and controls, allowing you to oversee all optimization activities at the page level.

Access the Page View by selecting a page from the Pages list in the left sidebar. The sidebar includes a search bar to quickly find pages by name. Once a page is selected, you’ll find a toolbar at the top with three main tabs:

  • Overview
  • SEO
  • Settings

Overview Tab

The Overview tab offers a high-level snapshot of your page’s optimization performance.

Notifications Banner

At the top, you might see a banner if there’s an action you need to take, such as integrating Coframe on your page or approving new variants.

Performance Chart

The main feature of the Overview tab is a dual-layered chart similar to the one in the Optimizer View but focused on page-level data. This chart aggregates the performance of all optimizers running on your page.


  • Performance Metrics: Toggle between Performance (conversion rates), Visitors, and Events (conversions).
  • Primary and Secondary Metrics: View different metrics to gain varied insights (secondary metrics coming soon).
  • Pan and Zoom: Navigate through different time frames with ease.
  • Date Range Selection: Customize the time period displayed on the chart.
  • Optimizers Table: The chart combines data from all optimizers. Note that optimizers are Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
  • Baseline Comparisons:
    • Page-Specific Baseline: Measures the performance of your page without any optimizations.
    • Workspace-Wide Baseline: A domain-level baseline set at 5% of traffic to assess overall Coframe impact.

Incremental Conversions

  • Estimated Incremental Conversions: See the cumulative number of additional conversions Coframe has generated for your page.
  • Visibility Threshold: This data becomes available once the baseline has recorded at least 100 conversion events.

Optimizers Table

Below the performance chart, you’ll find a table listing all the optimizers active on your page.

Table Columns

  • Name: The identifier for each optimizer.
  • Visitors: Number of visitors who have interacted with the optimizer.
  • Active Variants: Number of live variants under each optimizer.
  • Cumulative Conversion Lift: Overall percentage increase in conversions attributed to the optimizer.
  • Estimated Incremental Conversions: The additional conversions generated by the optimizer.
  • Recent Performance Snapshot: A small chart displaying the last 7 days of performance for quick reference.


The SEO tab allows you to manage how Coframe interacts with search engines and optimize your content for better visibility.

Bot Visibility Toggle

  • Only Show to Bots: Enable this toggle to ensure that only the original version of your page is shown to search engine bots. This can help maintain consistent SEO rankings.
  • Additional Information: For more details, refer to our Managing SEO guide.

Keyword Optimization

  • Top Keywords Table: Displays a list of high-impact keywords for your page, sourced from SEMRush.
  • Intent Filtering: Filter keywords based on user intent categories like informational, navigational, or transactional.
  • Keyword Importance Slider:
    • Adjust Relevance: Each keyword has a slider ranging from 1 to 5.
      • 5: Future variants will highly prioritize this keyword.
      • 1: Future variants will likely ignore this keyword.
    • Customized Content Generation: Helps Coframe’s AI generate content that aligns with your SEO strategy.

Settings Tab

The Settings tab provides options to configure integration status, adjust holdout percentages, control optimization activity, and manage advanced settings.

Integration Status

  • Integration Indicator: Shows whether Coframe is successfully integrated with your page.
  • Integration Button: If not integrated, click the Integrate button to view step-by-step instructions.

Holdout Percentage

  • Default Holdout: Set at 5%, this is the portion of traffic that will see the original page without any optimizations.
  • Adjustable: You can modify this percentage to suit your testing needs.

Page Activation

  • Active Toggle:
    • Default: On.
    • Function: If turned off, all visitors will see your original page without any Coframe optimizations.

Auto-Approve Variants

  • Auto-Approve Toggle:
    • Default: Off.
    • Function: When enabled, new AI-generated variants are automatically added to the live queue without requiring manual approval from an admin.

Danger Zone

Proceed with caution when using the options in this section, as they can have significant impacts and cannot be undone.

  • Reset Page:
    • Action: Resets all optimizers on the page to their initial state.
    • Irreversible: This action cannot be undone.
  • Rollback Page to Date:
    • Function: Allows you to revert the page and its optimizers back to a specific date and time.
    • Irreversible: This action cannot be undone.
  • Delete Page:
    • Action: Permanently deletes the page’s optimizers and all associated data from Coframe.
    • Irreversible: This action cannot be undone.

The left sidebar enhances navigation and organization:

  • Pages List: Displays all the pages you’re managing with Coframe.
  • Search Bar: Quickly find pages by typing in the page name.
  • Page Selection: Click on a page to access its Page View and manage its settings.

Tips for Maximizing the Page View

  • Monitor Performance Regularly: Keep an eye on the performance chart to track the effectiveness of your optimizations.
  • Leverage Keyword Optimization: Use the SEO tab to align your content with strategic keywords, enhancing both SEO and user engagement.
  • Adjust Holdout Wisely: Balance your holdout percentage to ensure statistical validity while maximizing optimization exposure.
  • Use Auto-Approve Carefully: Enabling auto-approve can speed up optimization but may introduce unreviewed content; use it if you’re confident in the AI’s output.
  • Backup Before Major Changes: Consider exporting data before performing irreversible actions in the Danger Zone.