Defining clear metrics and goals is crucial for effective optimization. Here’s how to set up your metrics in Coframe:

Setting Up Conversion Events

After creating your variants, you have two main options for defining conversion events:

  1. Select Elements in the Editor

    • Open the editor interface with your variants.
    • Use the iframe to select clickable elements on your page.
    • You can choose multiple elements, such as:
      • Specific buttons (e.g., “Sign Up”, “Buy Now”)
      • Links
      • Any other clickable elements that indicate a conversion
  2. Specify a Conversion URL

    • Manually enter a URL that, when visited, represents a conversion.
    • For example, you might enter “” to track when users reach a thank-you page after a purchase.

Best Practices

  • Align Conversion Events with Business Goals: Choose elements or URLs that directly reflect your desired user actions.
  • Be Specific: Select precise elements or URLs to ensure accurate tracking of conversions.
  • Consider User Journey: Think about the key steps in your user’s journey that indicate success for your business.