Imagine if every social media feed was identical for all users—static and unresponsive. This is the current state of most websites on the internet today: stagnant and lifeless. A website that doesn’t adapt to its visitors risks becoming obsolete. Coframe changes that by bringing your website to life through continuous, AI-driven optimization.

Coframe is an advanced platform that empowers you to improve conversion rates and user engagement without the manual effort of traditional A/B testing. By leveraging cutting-edge generative AI models across text, UI, and visuals as a helpful co-pilot, we help your website evolve alongside your audience—all while keeping you in the driver’s seat.

In just two weeks, Finalround saw a 12% increase in signup rates. La Growth Machine experienced a 22% lift in signups within a month, and Kingfisher enjoyed a 45% boost in click-through rates over two months—all thanks to Coframe’s continuous optimization.

Key Features

Continuous, AI-Powered Optimization

Coframe continuously optimizes your website with variations of your copy, UI, and visuals, improving performance over time without waiting for statistical significance.

User Control and Safety

You have full control over approvals for variants on your site, ensuring that all changes align with your brand and messaging.

Cutting-Edge Generative Models

Benefit from the latest advancements in AI, including improvements in text, UI, and visual content generation.

Easy Integration

Simple setup with a script tag compatible with all major web frameworks in minutes. We support Wordpress, Shopify, React, Vue, Shopify, Webflow, and more.

Business Intelligence

Provide context about your brand to help the AI generate high-quality, aligned content.


Seamless integration with analytics platforms like Segment, Statsig, PostHog, and more for comprehensive metric tracking.

How Coframe is Different

Unlike traditional A/B testing tools that require waiting for statistical significance to implement changes, Coframe employs continuous optimization. Our optimizer algorithm adapts in real-time, learning from user interactions to deliver the best possible experience. This means no more stagnant content—your website evolves along with your users’ preferences.


To begin your journey with Coframe, please book a time with our team on our calendar for a personalized demo: